Muay Thai Kingdom 7 Victory
May 7th, 2016 set the stage for best amateur Muay Thai promotion in the state at the 2016 Muay Thai Kingdom 7 event in Houston, TX. It was Sean “The Mantis Shrimp” McKiernan representing Pinnacle Training Center VS Roger Rodriguez from Kings MMA in Houston, TX. The first round started fairly quickly as both fighters engaged each other in the clinch, but Sean was prepared for that as he was able to handle himself quite well. Into the second round Sean was able to drop his opponent several times via knees to the liver until the Ref called a stoppage. Sean was declared the victor and he did an exceptional job representing the Ambush Muay Thai Team and Pinnacle Training Center. Congratulations to Sean for your amazing performance and your Hardwork, Dedication, and Consistency. #ClinchHappens #SNGTAK.
We want to give thanks the entire team for helping get these fighters ready and a special thanks to Coach Elton Wells for all his time and hard work he spent developing Sean as a fighter, and the team as a whole. We also want to give thanks to their families for lending their support and representing Pinnacle Training Center. And finally we’d like to give thanks to Michael ‘Chase’ Corley from Houston Muay Thai for everything you do for Muay Thai in Texas and putting on such an amazing event. Again, the team at Pinnacle Training Center show why Pinnacle is still one of THE best places to go for competitive Muay Thai in the state of Texas.
To check out the fight highlight check out the video below!!!
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