Justin Brooks
Owner of Pinnacle Training Center Justin he began his training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing and Muay Thai in 2006. Justin is currently a purple belt under Rodrigo Cabral and …
Coach Tricia
Coach Tricia served 6 years of active duty in the US Navy with two deployments overseas as an aircraft carrier weapon systems operator. Her passion lied in collateral duties as …
Coach Pete
Bigger…Faster…Stronger… These three traits are everything I desired as an overweight, slow, mediocre athlete. As a child I always desired to be like everyone else, not myself. My confidence and …
Joshua Scales
From Austin, Texas Joshua started training Muay Thai and Boxing in 2005 and has competed in Boxing, Muay Thai / Kickboxing and MMA. With knowledge gained from years of learning, …
Elton Wells
Elton began training martial arts at age 13 and studied several traditional styles of martial arts until discovering Muay Thai shortly after graduating college in 1998. Since then Muay Thai …
Spencer “Handsome” Hanley
Spencer began training Muay Thai in 2007 under Kru Alberto Ramirez in Tacoma, WA. Prior to that Spencer was involved in various traditional martial arts at the age of nine. …
Brenda Gregory
We offer a nutritional support program that is customized for your body, your goals and your life style. Brenda holds a B.S. in Psychology, a B.S. in General Science (Pre-medicine), …